November 18, 2009

This is my book

November 10, 2009

Genre- Horror

October 28, 2009

Genre: a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content.


Horror films:

Horror films were created to bring out the feelings of fear, anxiety, and terror in viewers.  The plots of horror films mostly revolve around a villian, or themes such as supernatural events, violence and death.

The first horror films were influenced by early literature from both goth and horror genres for example, Frankenstien or Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Modern horror films however are now more based on supernatural events or natural disasters, such as the movie 2012.


The Exorcist (1973)– Mise en Scene

October 27, 2009

* The opening scene brings the viewers attention to the strong facial expression of the demonic child, and her detailed facial wounds, and eery white eyes.

* There is a low lighting key to make the scene more scary to match the demonic characteristics of the child and the nervous personality of the priests.

* The footage is shot close to the action around the characters, the child on the bed and the priests  are placed in a tight frame in the bedroom.

* The color values presented in the scene are dark and bland in order to contribute to the eery theme of the plot.

* The viewers are looking both at eye level with the child in the opening scene, and then up and down at the subject while she is levitating from the bed.

Blair Witch Project (1999)– Mise en Scene

October 27, 2009

The opening scene of the last four minutes of the Blair Witch Project shows the actors entering a vacant house.

* The viewers eye is first attracted to the night vision shot used on the camera, and the constant moving of the video camera in every which direction.

* The footage is shot using a low lighting key enabling  the audience to feel the haunting effects of the empty house.

* The footage is shot using both the minimum and maximum zoom capabilities. At times the actors are shot  up close while walking around the house looking for their friend, and the rest of the time you are viewing many different angles and viewpoints as the actors are running with the camera in hand exploring the house.

*There is a very loose frame for the characters to move around the large empty house, they are never seen standing still in one shot throughout the entire scene.

* There is a bunch of visual information packed in this scene as you are looking at the details in each room of the house, noticing the run down and empty feeling of it.

Coffee Addicts – Starbucks Lumiere

October 21, 2009

Morning Routine

October 7, 2009

final 7 photo essay

My daily morning routine. Homework #6

October 6, 2009


October 6, 2009


October 6, 2009